This past week has been a lifetime of memoires

I don't even know where to begin... because this past week has seriously felt like a lifetime of learning and understanding that I really don't know if I can put into words. But I shall try... ok, these are just things that have been on my mind:

1. Change is always constant which is ironic because it just is.
2. Realized how much I rely on the gospel for everything in my life.
3. Relationships are what keep us sane.
4. I got that feeling again about how o-chem is going to help me later on down the road... weird.
5. The guitar should be played everyday not once a year.
6. Communication is so important in relationships.
7. Had deja vu for this first time in a really long time
8. "Laughter is good for the soul and crying is inevitable"


  1. Eh bien! J'aime bien lire tes pensees. C'est deja juin maintenant et tu es deja rentree a la maison. Je suis tres content que tu sois la! Tu as maitrise le "O-chem!" Formidable! Aujourd'hui on commence notre petit "voyage du chemin" a SLC. Ca va etre chouette! Alors je te laisse avec un de mes pensees: "Those things which we persist in doing become easier for us to do, not that the nature of the thing has changed rather that our ability to do has increased." Ralph Waldo Emerson (oft quoted by President Heber J. Grant)

  2. mmm...good quotes. I often feel the same way about change and how lucky I am for my testimony of the gospel. In fact usually the two tend to go together.


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